Rethink is Simple & Affordable for Small Businesses to Offer Employees

Our alternative system is perfect for small businesses that want to help their employees with healthcare but cannot afford the high costs of health insurance

Businesses Have the Impossible Task of Trying to Create a One-Size-Fits-All Benefits Program. Rethink's Flexibility Can Help. 

Employers are put into the impossible position of picking health coverage that will make everyone happy. This is impossible considering the unique healthcare needs of each employee. That is why our approach to working with employers is not a one-size-fits-all solution. We have taken six common, yet unique, employee circumstances and weighed their options to demonstrate how our approach may fit. Our overall goal for everyone involved is affordability, simplicity, and choice. 

We want to help businesses avoid the issues that group health insurance can have which include:

  • Limiting provider networks.. How can one network expect to work for everyone and allow all employees to keep their doctors? 
  • High monthly costs- Small business group health insurance plans are as expensive as individual health insurance plans purchased directly by employees. 
  • A plan for all employees- How can a single plan meet the needs of a single 26 year old and a retiring couple in their 60s?
  • High-cost when employees use it- This may be the biggest pitfall and most under estimated draw back of small group health insurance. An employer can spend hundreds of dollars each month towards their employees health insurance only for their employee to think of the coverage as bad. High copays and deductibles are common to keep monthly costs lower for the company. The costs are then passed onto employees who may never even realize "coverage" throughout the year since much of their healthcare will fall under their deductible. Conversely, the costs may as much as double on a monthly basis for a more reasonable deductible. 

Offering Rethink Healthcare To Your Team

Employees choose the membership and IUA that suites their family's needs. We provide a single invoice to the company for all employee memberships. There are no commitments, and you can add and remove employees throughout the year as your business changes.

Young single employee who is off her parents' health insurance for the first time. She currently has no health insurance due to the cost being $230 a month for the cheapest plan with an $9,000 deductible. 

#1 Employee Only  

27 Years Old

One of your key employees is in her 30s and getting married. They are healthy and want to start a growing family. They cannot carry a high deductible as maternity costs will exceed their budget. She may be forced to leave her job if you cannot help her solve her benefits dilemma. 

#4 Employee & Spouse (children soon)

33 Years Old

He is married with children and tired of paying for the high cost of health insurance. He may consider another job that offers health insurance to avoid paying $1,300 a month for their high deductible Obamacare Health plan. 

#2 Employee & Family

37 Years Old

Another key employee who has been with you for 10 years. He is older and single and has several health issues and high cost medications. He is constantly stressed about how much healthcare is costing him. 

#5 Employee Only

58 Years Old

She is close to retirement and will be eligible for Medicare benefits two years from now. Due to her age, coverage for her and her husband is close to $1,500 a month! Generally they are both healthy and do not use their health insurance as they use a functional medicine doctor. 

#3 Employee & Spouse

63 years old

Your employee gets his health benefits through his spouse's job. Although he complains about the high cost of healthcare for his family its thought that he do not need help with benefits.

#6 Employee & Family

46 Years Old

Employee 1

Often the most difficult employee to help

A healthy 27 year old can be tough to convince that they are not invincible and that they need any type of safe guard for medical expenses. If they do get their own coverage its usually the most inexpensive "catastrophic" insurance plan available. This monthly cost will be about $250 a month and come with a $9,000+ deductible, not to mention a limiting HMO network. This may work for their preventive needs and a reasonable monthly cost, but this employee could be one jet skiing accident away from financial hardship. 

Our Rethink approach, while offering a little bit of savings on a monthly basis with memberships ranging from $150-$200, will really help when that unexpected medical event happens. Instead of having out-of-pocket expenses of $9,000+ she will have a safeguard through our healthshare partner where her out-of-pocket responsibility would be $2,500. She will be winning both on a monthly basis in cost and have a much more reasonable safeguard for larger medical expenses. This employee may struggle with not having traditional copays for urgent care or primary care services, but will appreciate the $0 copay virtual care service once she gets used to it. 

Employee 2

This family will have a variety of healthcare needs from adult wellness, emergency potential, and child wellness

This family will be provided with wellness visits and immunizations. The cost for this family will be $700 or about half of what they were paying for Obama Care. This family will be able to lower their out-of-pocket risk against a large medical event with a $2,500 member responsibility amount versus their high deductible plan which will be around $15,000 since family plans have multiple deductibles. Labs and bloodwork may be something that was covered with a copay under their Obama Care plan and they will now use Rethink Wellness Credits towards these purchases. What they may find most difficult getting use to is navigating healthcare as self-pay patients versus using their insurance card. As they get use to navigating healthcare this way they will find that labs and other manageable expenses are at a lower cost rather than "covering" it through an insurance plan. 

Employee 3

They may be the easiest to convert since the current healthcare system does not work for their functional medicine approach

This couple will start saving significantly on their monthly expense by lowering it to $475 a month from $1,500! They will enjoy lower out-of-pocket exposure with the $2,500 member responsibility amount. We do want to make sure that they do not have any health risks that will expose them to the healthshare limitations for pre-membership medical conditions. Most likely they will have some conditions, but the potential expense could be managed for much less than the $12,000+ they are saving in monthly cost. They will also have support for the recommendations they will receive from their functional medical providers. Where their traditional approach previously did not work in conjunction with their functional approach they will find that Rethink Wellness Credits and their healthshare both support their choice. 

Employee 4

Planning a new family can be stressful and finances can be a big part of that stress

This family has a lot of excitement to look forward to but planning out expenses is a big part of putting this family at ease. To keep them happy and employed, healthcare planning is a big piece of the puzzle. This family is learning about the high cost of healthcare as they grow from single, to married, to a family. Their health insurance together has become one of their largest recurring monthly bills at a whopping $900! They have elected for a lower deductible of $3,500 and are paying a little bit more so that when they get pregnant the out-of-pocket costs will be more manageable. What they do not know is that even with that higher Gold Plan, they will still face costs between $4,000-$6,000 for the birth of their baby. 

This family would find that our membership will be a considerably lower cost at $375 monthly ($575 with the baby). They will also have access to our healthshare's partner's unrivaled maternity program where their costs to have the baby will be $2,500. They will not be limited to their choice of providers nor do they have to worry about meeting a deductible in separate calander years. They will want to make sure to satisfy the 60-day waiting period when they join to become pregnant. This family will then have a financially viable plan for the future as their family grows and they will not have additional costs for each baby they add. 

Employee 5

Rethink Healthcare is not a one-size-fits-all approach and not everyone is a good fit

When someone is a good fit its going to make good financial sense but each employee should evaluate carefully to make sure they are a good fit. This employee with ongoing health issues and high medications will most likely not find that the Rethink Healthcare membership will be cost effective. The limitations for high cost maintenance medication and conditions that existed prior to joining may adversely effect this employee. A traditional plan may be the best approach for this employee despite the high monthly costs and out-of-pocket expenses. 

An employer may consider other means to keep this employee happy as they pay for their own health coverage. Its important to keep in mind that offing group health coverage for this individual is not going to create a more cost effective approach. It's simply going to pass the cost on to the company. 

Employee 6

Often Ignored, You May Be Able To Help This Employee

It's easy to say, "this employee gets coverage through his spouse and he is all set." Although this employee may not be willing or want to deal with thinking about changing his benefits, there is a good chance that he could do financially better with his healthcare planning. Often when companies allow an employee to add a spouse they do it without offering any financial help towards the spouses benefits. Spouses can often be paying the bulk or full cost of that health insurance plan. If the employee is willing to listen, he should find out how much he would save if he were removed from his spouses plan. With Rethink Healthcare memberships ranging from $175-$225 he may find it to be a good financial decision to make a change. 


What we concluded is that most likely 4 of the 6 employees would participate. One would stay with their spouses coverage and the other would stick with a traditional approach. Let's evaluate how this would compare. 

Monthly Savings

The traditional healthcare premiums paid previously by the 4 employees was $3,930. The Rethink approach lowered this monthly expense to $1,725! 


No worrying about picking a plan that has a network with everyone's doctors. Your employee can have their baby where they choose and your other employee can keep their functional medicine doctor. 

Direct Primary Care

An alternative not mentioned previously that can provide a business their own company doctor. Rethink Healthcare has teamed up with DPC's across the country. Ask us how our memberships work in conjuction with their membership.

Benfits For The Business

A history of lower year over year increases as compared to traditional plans that can help you businesses avoid switching each year. A simpler administration process and an advocacy team to support your employees questions as they come up.